2001 Battle of Naboo, Star Wars - Miniature
2001 Battle of Naboo, Star Wars

2001 Battle of Naboo, Star Wars - Miniature

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2001 Battle of Naboo, Star Wars - Miniature

2001 Hallmark Star Wars Ornament


The elegant Naboo starfighter battles the Trade Federation droid starfighter in an attempt to attack the Droid Control Ship. These vehicles of Star Wars: Episode I are as vividly defined as the characters they transport.

Starfighters sculpted by Chris Webb

Droid Control Ship sculpted by Dill Rhodus


Size: Trade Federation Droid Starfighter - 0.415" H x 0.888" W x 1.134" D

Naboo Starfighter - 0.287" H x 0.819" W x 1.242" D

Droid Control Ship - 0.72" H x 2.059" W x 2.3" D

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