2004 Whirlwind Decorating, Taz, Looney Tunes
2004 Whirlwind Decorating, Taz, Looney Tunes

2004 Whirlwind Decorating, Taz, Looney Tunes

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2004 Whirlwind Decorating, Taz, Looney Tunes

2004 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament


"Me don't need a Christmas tree!"
the Tasmanian Devil said.
He grabbed a string of shining lights
and trimmed himself, instead!

Press the button on the side of the ornament, and see the lights on the whirlwind come to life! The lights will flash and turn off automatically.

Uses 2 LR44 batteries.

Artist: Robert Chad

Size: 4.473" H x 3.278" W x 1.684" D
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