The legendary rivalry between Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd escalates to a fever pitch in the inventive short, Rabbit of Seville. The two nemeses fight it out in a brilliantly animated, perfectly-synced Looney Tunes version of Rossini's classic barbershop opera. Elmer gets "the woiks" at the hands of Bugs who treats the hunter to a ridiculously close shave and a scalp fertilizer that grows flowers on the iconic bald head. The zaniness culminates in an epic battle - from axes to pistols to rifles to cannons - which Bugs handily wins. Savoring his victory, the wise cracking hero looks straight at the audience and quips, "Next?" This special edition ornament was issued in limited quantities and first available at the 2009 Keepsake Ornament Debut event. Dated: 2009 Artist: Robert Chad Size: 2 1/8" x 3 5/8" x 2"
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