As the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatists raged, specialized soldiers were created for the Republic's Clone Army. Shock Troopers, distinguished by their red armor markings and their often violent tactics, became a common sight throughout the Republic, particularly on the capital planet of Coruscant. Shadow Troopers, however, with specialized armor that could be easily disguised, worked under the radar as intelligence and reconnaissance soldiers. Fiercely loyal to the leaser of the Republic, each group played vital roles in Chancellor Palpatine's ultimate rise to Galactic Emperor. This set of two Hallmark Keepsake Limited Edition ornaments was only available for purchase at San Diego Comic Con. This was a LIMITED EDITION ornament. Only 700 were produced and it was ONLY available at the 2009 SDCC. The Hallmark Keepsake box is marked with ____ of 700 and the number of the edition is written in with black marker. A gold sticker on the box indicates 2009 Comic-Con Exclusive Artist: Anita Marra Rogers & Kristina Kline-Gaughran Size: 4" H