Serving as General in the army of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker leads the clone armies onto the battlefield against Separatist forces. A cunning warrior and accomplished leader, Anakin must now learn what it means to be a teacher and mentor, which is why Master Yoda has assigned young Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan learner. Strong-willed like her new master, Ahsoka possesses instincts and resourcefulness that serve her well. Always eager to prove herself worthy to Anakin, she stands loyally beside him and willfully confronts her fears against the ominous backdrop of the Clone Wars. Artist: Kristina Kline-Gaughran & Robert Hurlburt
Size: Anakin Skywalker - 2.567" H x 2.927" W x 1.212" D
Ahsoka Tano - 2.128" H x 1.96" W x 1.893" D